Wednesday, July 24, 2024

we have hardly begun, we are already here

tiny red hearths 

she was born 2014, the quilt was finished in 2016

velvet shapes

she was born 2017, quilt was finished 2018

cotton pinwheels

she was born 2020
quilt not finished yet.  Pictured are front and back, hand pieced.

the 10 year old.

the seven year old

the almost four year old.  

indulge me


Anonymous said...

Basking in the glow of the love you have shared here. What a gift. Each stitch with love. Beth from Still Life Pond

Leslie said...

Oh these quilts just make my heart sing. Thank you for sharing 💕

Ann Hankins said...

It was nice to meet and speak with you today at the Festival of quilts. Beautiful work, safe journey home.

Anonymous said...

Ann! Nice to meet you too. Thanks to Great Britain for a wonderful time. ❤️