Monday, April 20, 2020

time passes so quickly

Day by day it flies by, change happens.
Babies are born, they learn to speak, to walk,
then suddenly they are living four time zones away.

But things don't really change.
The sun gets up and goes down, the moon continues its 28 day cycle.
Ice comes into the lake and then goes out,
geese fly north in the spring, south in the fall.

I want to hold time.  It is so precious.


Linda Sue said...

"I want to hold time. It is so precious" made me cry all of a sudden. Real tears. Usually, when life is not altered so markedly, and it just goes on about its busy business, I rarely think mortality thoughts. THIS poem of yours hits me right in the middle - this brief human time on this earth and how truly lovely it is. OH MY!

Maria Shell said...

Beautiful. Thank you Judy.

Mystic Quilter said...

Judy I did leave a comment on this beautiful post yesterday, it seems to have disappeared into the wild blue yonder! I love your poem, very moving words and what a delightful photograph!

Camilla G. said...

Yes to every word - and look, crocheted pineapple motifs!