Monday, February 14, 2011

impossible tasks

last summer's plant dyed silk velvet and wool arranged As I stitch these rare strips of velvet onto an immense sheet of pre-embroidered linen, I am reminded of the miller's daughter in Rumpelstiltskin, placed in a room of straw and told to spin it into gold. But that impossible task was not the main part of the story. Figuring out the name of the one who came to her aid was.

the magic power of a needle
it repairs the damage
it is a claim to forgiveness
it is not agressive
it is not a pin

Louise Bourgeois


Velma Bolyard said...

really beautiful coming together.

deanna7trees said...

how beautiful the velvet looks on the linen. and i just love those lines from
Louise Bourgeois.

Nat Palaskas said...

Oh this is beautiful both of look and the idea behind it. I love it - thanks for sharing - Hugs Nat

Jacky said...

Beautiful, beautiful colours. Are these the fabrics you dyed with your niece? Lots of wonderful summer memories in this quilt.

Jacky xox

Penny Berens said...

I can just imagine the touch of those velvets and the linen in my hands as you stitch.

Sujata Shah said...

So calm and soothing. I am obviously so attracted to it. but just like your blues, I have not worked with calm in a ling time. May be it is time to start a little project of peacefulness.
Thank you for sharing your work!

Claire said...

Such subtle colours. Really lovely.

lynda Howells said...

What a beautiful sight....such calming colours.thanks for sharing. lyndax