Tuesday, August 27, 2024

dream, earth, luck, moon, soul

Beginning again.  
Beginning in the middle.
Here is my sewing.


Art is about relationships.

earth (other side)

Art may seem as if it is about nature or beauty, but it is about love.


The more I study art, the more I realize this.    

luck (other side)

Because love is caring.  


Some call it wonder.


 Some use the term 'unselfing'.     (here is a link)

patience (other side) 

In order to do my own unselfing I take risks with materials.

And then I make things from what has become wrecked.     


It helps me make sense of being alive.  

rose (other side) 

I have so many things to say right now, that I am not able to say anything.  
That's why I am beginning in the middle.  Here is some sewing.

Here are some of the small wool and velvet bundles I made during July.     


I've been to Great Britain. Lots to say about that.  some of it here.
I'm going to Nova Scotia.  The reason is an exhibition, mentioned here.

Women sew as a substitute for words. 


Julierose said...

Judy, this installation is amazing!!! I love the naming of each little bundle, too; so meaningful. I would think it might just sit our under the trees and sway in the breezes occasionally when you are outside sewing to keep you company;))) hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy,

Erika said...

I have lots of words which I use extensively :) but I do love the idea that art is really about love/wonder. That seats perfectly in my heart and soul. And explains why anyone is welcome to call themselves an artist.