Friday, October 09, 2020

my awakened heart with zoom

I think about my outdoor surroundings,(my yard), as my mother, or perhaps my teacher.  She teaches me about the importance of repetition and of lively small marks.  She teaches me about the fertility and growth of spring, the blooming of summer, the fragile beauty of autumn and the quiet silence of winter.  I also think about my yard as a lover, because it is so generous with its gifts and love, and I like to be with it so much.

I just finished pre-recording a lecture about my work for the York Heritage Quilt Guild in Toronto Ontario.  Creating a pre-recorded audio-visual was a learning experience for me.  It tooke several long days and nights of decisions about what to say and how,  and of what work to show and why.  The original plan was that I would speak about the development of my work over nearly 40 years.  However, our beautiful world is in so much pain now and has been in global crises since early 2020 that I felt an urgency to speak with authentic voice about my response to the wounds.  My creativity helped me (and healed me) over and over again during the spring and summer and continues to do so as we move towards winter.   The pictures in this post are of a small wool and velvet piece that I made during the summer and speak about during the lecture.

The first text in this post, (in italics) is quoted from the presentation. If you are a member of York Heritage this lecture is part of your program for 2020-2021.  Here is a link to read more about the talk.   and to also see the amazing line-up of speakers and teachers that this guild has for their members.   Thank you v much to Irena Hopper who invited me and also thank you v much to Deb Larsen who was my technical whiz-assistant and put the audio and visuals together.  


Mo Crow said...

(((Judy))) thank you for sharing these beautiful words and images of your work and space!

Camilla G. said...

It’s Thanksgiving, and I am grateful for my creative community of which you are an important part.

susan hemann said...

stunning quilt, nature is my life blood too
congrats on your lecture

Nancy said...

Judy~ To see your work within your woods adds another element to the beauty of what you create. Thank you for sharing this and the link to the many other quilters as well.

Judy Martin said...

This is the 3rd time that this amazing organization has asked me to speak. My first time making a recording. But I am really glad that I did it because it is will be a document of this time. Xo