Friday, May 03, 2019

all at once

new work
Layers.  Horizontals.
Plant-dyed,light-weight cottons and silks.
Small pieces of cloth, each ironed in half and the fold stitched.
Then joined together into rows.
 All by hand.
Yesterday, I worked in my Little Current studio
(10 foot walls and good light)
I'm basting the pieced strips to a lightweight foundation.
I am trying to express what it feels like to look at the sky
Looking up.

the cosmos ...... the earth......  the atmosphere
At home, I am sorting.
Spring is here.


Saskia said...

always by hand, really LOVE this new piece, stitching the folds is a spark of genius (I think I will use this.....)

Margaret said...

I watch this with interest -- first, because it's so BIG! -- and second, because out here the sky is also so BIG -- but very blue or blue-with-clouds or winter white or "fifty shades of grey" and the clouds are a continual fascination. So I am trying to envision a caramel sky...and look forward to seeing more on this work!

Margaret said...

P.S. We have a bigger sky out here because while there are stands of trees, the prairie isn't forested the way your island is. Hugs!

Judy Martin said...

I am excited by this piece. It is a new direction.

Judy Martin said...

yes, this is a big piece.
The plant dyes have dictated the colour - the earthiness of this sky I am constructing. Trying to express what it 'feels' like to look at the sky - unnamable but profoundly inter-connected to so much. xo

ingrid said...

Love the size, the colours and the different fabrics combined. And I admire your patience (or is it mindfulness - for me it is) in stitching it all.

Roxanne said...

You are making me consider interior space.

Mo Crow said...
