We have made a few changes with the art here. Pared some things away, added others. Always with respect for for family heritage. This photo by W.R. MacAskell was brought home from Halifax by Jay after one of his University work terms.
It's on the mantel, under the boat Ned bought to celebrate his 60th when we were in Normandy.
I purchased this photo by Jon Butler at the LaCloche art show to mark the year I was their distinguished artist.
This photo of Janet Susie Ormsby, the family matriarch, has hung in the dining room for my entire memory of this place.

April made that magnet we keep on her grandmother Ruth's propane fridge. We have more art at the cottage, but this is enough for now. Ned and I are beginning the close up.
You might like to visit Sandra Reford's blog as she is hanging TRADITION in TRANSITION over the next two days. That is the exhibit of Canadian quilts that Sandra was was invited to curate for this year's Carrefour textile celebration in Alsace, France. It opens on Thursday the 13th September. (I have two pieces in it.)
Also, Finishing School, the new fibrequarterly magazine published by Joe Lewis is out and there is an article about us three Canadians who graduated from Middlesex University last summer with a degrees in Embroidered Textiles.
feels like home judy...lovingly
Is this beautiful woman in the top image Ruth, or you. Love the Janet image stays in the house... how many generations of women through April till now. Till now.
A wonderful way to think about timw.
Time thinks it can disguise itself in that timw but we know its time. :)
That is Ruth, Ned's mother.
She inherited this nearly 100 year old cottage from her grandmother, Janet Susie.
I like this. I wish more people respected their heritage just so. I used to work in house clerances, and it made me so sad. I remember being in one house being cleared after an elderley lady had died, and her grand daughter took a picture from the wall, looked at it wistfully, declaring it to have been there her whole life, then tossed it in the box for the garbage! Unbelievable. If I'm really honest, it made me cry a little.
Hi, I've just been researching a Janet Susie Grahame (born 24 August 1868 in Toronto and died 24 August 1950) who is my first cousin three times removed. https://www.geni.com/people/Janet-Ormsby/6000000020456969767 I'm wondering if this is the same person. Cheers, Reggie Thomson (living in Cambridge, England).
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