An ideal of noble poverty
An aesthetic of restraint
Textiles are slow
They give a sense of time
Everyday life is a powerful influence
Simplicity is appreciated
Arrived at in complex ways
Simplicity is an element of the Finnish aesthetic
Modesty and simplicity
Combined with craftsmanship
image & words are thought-full.
I appreciated the earlier post, but then blinked & it was gone.
I put the new bio over in Judy's updates. It seemed too, i don't know...professional? for this blog.
I spent all morning writing that new biography for a deadline.
This Finnish Aesthetic post is also relevant to how I've been spending my time. April has recently asked me for more information about her Finnish artistic heritage.
it's amazing how long it can take to choose words-wanting them to be simple, clear and expressive. something i'm always thinking about. you do such a beautiful job of it with words and cloth. i always leave your blog moved.
what a beautiful way with words you have...
Very nice! Like your Bio too.
oh how I wish to take those words to heart. It is so true, yet I always feel rushed. Time to rethink, yet again. thank you for the inspiration and the beutiful image to go with it.
i think the slowness of textiles is both their greatness and their vexedness. i am surly glad i don't have to produce my clothing "from scratch", and yet, what if i did do that?
i think those northern places pare down life to the essentials.
Thoughtful and insightful. Thank you.
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