My name is Judy Martin.
My parents gave me the name Judy, short for Judith.
My husband gave me the name Martin and I am proud to have it.
My name until I was 22 years old was Judy Johnson. There's a Judy Martin who has the same mailing address I do, she lives just down the road. I talked to a Judy Martin who lives in Sudbury on the phone yesterday.

But the Judy Martin who makes me wonder about using my name is the Judy Martin who writes books about traditional quilting. It's not her fault. She can't help it that she used to be a featured writer in Quilters Newsletter and creates very popular patterns. That Judy martin has a popular website, click
here. I used to call her the
real Judy Martin and still apologize when people suddenly realize that I'm not her.

I could add an initial, I could add Johnson, I've tried using Judith....but nothing feels quite as right as Judy Martin. It's my name.

what can I say?
You will always be the REAL Judy Martin to me... :-)
i know this judy martin a little bit. i wonder if the others are as nifty as she is?
Well, as for me it was a great surprise to discover, through your name, the Judy Martin that is you!
And I think this happens more often, so no worries, nothing to change, it is o.k. so!
St. Maarten
There is another Serena potter she paints.
LOL well I met you sooner than I might have by following some link to Judy Martin, not knowing it would be a different one than I knew but I'm ever grateful that I followed that link! (It's unlikely there will be another Mary Beth Frezon, although some people still link me to my ex-married name)
I like your post Judy Martin. I mean you as the Judy Martin not the other Judy Martin.
Cassy from Rock Guitar Lessons
i don't always comment but I think you are The Real Thing in your own right. I've marveled and learned from you as from any "author"
Claiming our power is a life long journey, I think. Love the top and bottom images. A truly provocative post.
Name and identity... I understand your doubts... Maybe it's interesting not to change anything and to think about it from time to time, as a way of self-reflexion.
You're the only Judy Martin I know - so you are the real deal. My husband would sympathise with you though. He's an keen small boat sailor - and his surname is not very common, so he finds it quite galling when people mistake him for the editor of a certain sailing magazine...
i love the top collage.
judy martin!
I understand. There are many, many Judy Smiths in this world but only one ME. I found you through another Judy, Jude, Judith - Jude Hill and I admire how much of yourself you share with us, you are very brave. Thanks.
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