Rayon damask weave tablecloth, hand stitched

To create a focal point for the third panel of the circle project, we are using a commercial product and intense heat.

It comes in packages of about a yard and is stitched to the back of the fabric.

The directions say to use machine stitch and a steam iron held above the cloth, but my experiment with hand stitched waves and a heat gun gave good results. 6 inches shrink to about 4 inches in all directions.

I'm not one to
use products such as
misty fuze or
steam a seam, but the discovery of
texture magic may have changed my mind.

Ah, well.
Still mourning the loss of fiber arts magazine and telos. Read Olga's comments
Delightful results :) But isn't it hot enough in Ontario right now to just put it outside to frizzle? :)
Yes, absolutely. ha
Magic, indeed!
sad about Fibre Arts mag....
Love what l am seeing on this blog entry..love that shade of blue.
What a natty way to use the texture fabric, its lovely and yes a wonderful blue. I bought some texture fabric at last stitchy show I went to in march this year..........youve reminded me!
Wonmder where I put it come to think of it.....
It's always good to try these things, though. You got some great results with this.
Yes, I'm wondering where my package is as well. But I think that I purchased it at least two years ago. Lovely blue and wonderful texture!
very neat. it's been insanely hot here as well.
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