Tuesday, March 15, 2011

starting over

The inside is what I'm concerned with.
The inner self. I started over. I thought more about what is inside. I gathered winter branches. Balsam fir. Cedar. And wrapped them. They yielded. They seemed to like being wrapped into themselves. Springy. Light as birds.
Stitched shut. Bursting with life.
They smell like outside. They are female.
They are full of promises. They are full of memories. They are protection and nurturance.


Valerianna said...

Judy, I love these. I love wrapping things... I wrapped herbs at one time, with string and thread. I can feel some work in my future, taking up vessels and wrapping again. Or at least its a river running by, if I choose to jump in, if not, I hope it will flow by me again and remind me someday.....

I love the photo of the group outside against a tree. Like standing stones, like figures, both, wonderful. Inspiration, thank you.

Grace Martin said...

Very cool.

novembergrass said...

Judy, these are quite wonderful. Nurturing and protection, for a time that has a great need for it. -Sue

jude said...

oh , how sexy really...

Jackie said...

yowser that is good!

Not sure if you see Lucie M, but if you do, can you tell her I got in to the NJS x 4=)

Joanne said...

These, along with your words, are truly lovely. Simple beauty whose essence radiates and en-wraps.

deanna7trees said...


Penny Berens said...

You, my dear, are amazing. Oh, to be in a room with these sweet smelling inner selves and their colourful skins.

Joe Madl said...

awesome! totally, unbelievably, wondrously awesome!!

Gilli said...

I love these deeply! Having had to move to the suburbs from a magical little woods of towering pines and old oaks, your tree bundles make me long for my little woods so much! I cry.

Caterina Giglio said...

absolutely amazing.... love these... sigh

Herm said...

love these gorgeous and colorful bundles against the tree!

Yvonne said...

I love these primitive, expressive forms!

Anonymous said...

very nice judy!

April said...

wow! success!

Jacky said...

I love these feminine figures, the wrapping, the opening.... and
I can imagine the wonderful smells.

Jacky xox

Velma Bolyard said...

also say very cool.