The first meditation panel is fondly named "earth ark" to emphasize the boat and rainbow shapes witihin it. It has been on the quilting frame since early May and we have 'rolled' it three times, bringing the center within reach. This past week I made some decisions about the quilting designs in the large crescent shape and in the knot-dotted silk squares.

There are a few leaves visible in the weave of the damask in the crescent so I traced those and then added more of the same shape.

The squares will be quilted with embroidery floss in a chain stitch horizontal line.

Every Thursday, the project is open to the communitiy, and here is a photo of yesterday's participants at work.

And here are their faces. From left to right, Marian, Rita, Judy, Wendy, Heather H, Heather T, Sylvia, my empty chair, Anita, and Cornelia. Thanks for coming out.
great blog today....interesting in many ways
the message is clearly in their faces.
This is going to be a magnificent piece. I love all the different stitching particularly the knotted squares.
Such important work. It is projects like this that make a difference in this world.
Every time I see this I am a little more amazed. It grows like a very peaceful garden.
I love catching up with the progress of this amazing quilt.
Lovely to see all the ladies sitting around stitching. It is great that community can all take part in such an important cloth.
Jacky xox
I wish I were close enough to join your circle...it looks inviting.
Hi, Judy,
Hi – I wanted to let you know that the Artful Quilters Blog Ring has moved. We’d love to have your blog move to the new ring! You can read about the details here: http://goingtopieces.blogspot.com/2010/07/artful-bloggers-ring-moving-follow-us.html
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