We had a road trip over the weekend to deliver my art work and visit two of Ned's cousins, both named Tony. These fields were in the Hockley valley, north of Guelph.

I stitched.

Highway 69 is being widened. There are new rock cuts,

trees have been cut down,

made into piles of wood chips.

This is the back.
all very beautiful - I really like the similarities between the photos from the road and the patterns, textures and shadows created by your stitches on the cloth. The large steady spin of the spiral - representing travel of all kinds. It is always inspiring to see what you are working on!
Oh such fine stitching and I noticed, too, how the photos seem to reflect some of the designs from the stitching.
I always feel badly when I wee trees being cut down to widen a road or accommodate new construction.
the back is awesome too! i love your juxtaposition of the photos of the land and your piece, you have such a great eye!
This post made me smile :) Those long stretches of Northern Ontario highways make for good stitching time! :)
Thank you for sharing with us!mig
You are so productive in the car...wonderful stitching. Love the colours and all of that stitching and texture. Just amazing.
I LOVE the back!
it is really something this resonance between outside the car and inside the car... your quilting and pairing of images actually made me see the scarred landscape as beautiful.
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