Over the weekend I allowed myself to make a decision about the direction of my work. Getting ready to exhibit paintings and drawings in the Perivale and for the LaCloche distinguished artist exhibition has been difficult, and I don't think that my HEART is in those as much as it used to be. Twenty years ago, I eliminated knitting from my creative life in favour of quilting. Now, I'm giving myself permission to eliminate being an exhibiting painter too. Am rushing off to teach piano as I write this - may edit this post later this evening.
I would love to see you interpret one of your photos of "two chateaux in Normandy" in fabric.
Your post has stuck with me all day. I think there is something powerful and important in it -- something that I definitely (and others, maybe?) need to read and consider. I support you in your struggle. Sometimes we have to do what we think is best.
Is it a cop-out for me to turn away from drawing and watercolour? Its easier for me to stitch. I love stitching so much. I feel such power when I see material artifacts in the Louvre, or in the voudou pieces I saw in Amsterdam. I was not as moved by the paintings I saw, although I was in awe of them.
I have a talent for drawing - am I giving up on myself by not using that gift?
We only have 75 years you know. Give or take a decade.
And so much of that time is spent working at something else, taking care of your family, making love. Sleeping! There's really so little time to do what YOU WANT in your art. There isn't time to do what you don't love.
i have struggled all my life with things like this. i think if you really like something and it never gets on your nerves you should do it all the time. i think you can fullfil your other talents through cloth if that's the issue. that is what i am doing. i am much happier.
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