Monday, December 30, 2024

The whirl of 2024

January 14  1:50 pm

February 16  7:16 am

March 14   7:22 am

April 9   8:09 am

May 15  6:54 pm

June 12  8:25 am 

July 14  8:48 am

August 16  6:23 am 

September 23  9:34 am

October 7  6:48 pm
November 10  7:12am
December 21 4:34 pm

I thought about using this space to show the interior of my house with all the finished and unfinished quilts piled up or unfolded across beds and chairs and on the floor and on the wall, because then you might understand how much work I do and how I am always busy ....but...

this constant view of the Wikwemikong peninsula across the water of Manitowaning Bay is truer.  

I stare out the window half the time it seems.   That colour full sky gives me an answer, even when I didn't really ask a question.  Here it is.  

Here is the answer.  Our lives are fragile and our timelines are speeding forward.  We must be kind to each other and kind to ourselves.

It often does seem like there is an urgency to get things done, made, out there, but really, there is no rush.  Don't rush. Go slow.   I wish for you, my dear and appreciated blog readers, the very best for the new year.  Be tender.  Be slower.  Allow softness and kindness to rule.  Let's care.


ravenandsparrow said...

What a moving sequence of pictures through time. You are right. There is no need to rush. The wheel of the seasons will turn and we will be carried. Happy New Year!

Stephanie said...

This sequence of magical skies and water as the seasons change is a gift from your generous heart. Your words also go straight to my heart. May we all find and share much kindness and compassion in the new year.

Julierose said...

Beautiful photos of your view, Judy. I can see why it is so compelling. Strange to think that here, we mostly see our surrounding big-tree forest --a different kind of view...
I wonder how/if this affects us? The present world view seems a lot less than kind these days; doing our best here to keep hope in our hearts and kindness in our acts--Happy New Year
hugs, Julierose

Mo Crow said...

(((Judy))) thank you for sharing your beautiful view and all the inspiration of your art through the years

Margaret said...

Thank you, Judy, for this reminder to be slower, to take time, to be kinder and gentler to ourselves and others. That view is timeless and yet ever-evolving, as we are. I wish you and yours all the best for 2025 -- health and happiness, yes, but also the blessing of time, of quiet, of reflection. Thanks again.

Mickey said...

Thank you, Judy. I’m so grateful for your writings and your work.

Janie said...

Yes, 'thank you' for your encouraging words. 'Allow softness and kindness to rule.'

Mary said...

Beautiful post. I love the series of photos and would still like to see the house photos you thought about showing.

Jill Blanchette said...


Threadpainter said...

What a stunning series of views you have there. I'd want to put all of them on paper, on fabric, on anything ! I would be sitting in front of that window, too, if it were mine. But, there's the beauty of hand-stitching ... You can look up often and never miss a stitch. I'm learning ;)

Threadpainter said...

Beautiful post ! My favourite photo is of that chair in front of the window ... tho' empty for a brief moment, I see you stitching there ! Thinking beautiful, compassionate thoughts there ! Living your art there ! Beautiful !