Moisture and Greenness on top, Emily Carr Visited Me underneath
This morning I pack up two old favourites to send off to Huntsville, Ontario where they will be part of a show of contemporary Canadian quilts. As I was folding them, I noticed their reverse sides.
Quilt backs are just not appreciated when hung flat to the wall in a gallery, and so here is some time in the sun for Emily Carr Visited Me's back - filled with embroidery floss
and for Moisture and Greenness's wonderfully mottled dyed linen
and her secret heart.
The title for Moisture and Greenness comes from something I read long ago by the medieval mystic, Hildegarde of Bingen. "All the world really needs is moisture and greenness". For the front of this quilt, click
What look like multi coloured running stitches are really the reverse side of blanket stitching that covers the painted surface of Emily Carr Visited Me. They also act as quilting stitches. If you want to see the front, click
The backs of quilts are unappreciated treasures. Watch anyone unfold a quilt, and see how they immediately exclaim about the back. Also, the back of a quilt is what we feel when the quilt is covering us.
Heart to Heart, on display currently in the juried exhibition Fibreworks, has a meaningful back. You can't see it if you go to Cambridge, but I have posted a photo in my updates. Click
here to see it.
beautiful front and backs and the quote is splendid...
So very beautiful. So close to what I am literally reading by a contemporary American poet right now.
the back of the quilt is what we feel when the quilt is covering us. this seems profound to me. and so important. it's almost secret.
Yep. Backsides are totally unappreciated. Tee Hee
these are wonderful--on some of my on work, i like the backside better than the front!
It's so natural to turn the quilt and look at the back (I dont know why that is???).
I have spent ages looking at all of this wonderful stitching...I am always drawn to stitches. Your quilts are a treasury of stitches and I love all the detail you share with us.
Jacky xox
Wow, Judy thanks for showing us these photos!
I love what Velma said. I think it's profound too.
beautiful and inspirational, lovely to see, thank you
I found that looking at the backside, the inside, and what is hidden, shows the inner beauty of a creation, and the creator.
Last year I visited Smith & Hawkin in D.C. They have since closed the stores. I bought a few items for my garden. I brought them home and when I opened the bag, later, I discovered the most beautiful paper was the lining side of the bag. I created a mixed media sculptural piece where it is predominantly displayed.
Your work is like this and I love that you do this.
I can't decide which I love more, the quilts or your words. I won't decide, I will love them both.
I always loved Emily Carr, her writing as well as her art. Such fine texture and color in these pieces.
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