I want to thank those who have been writing me such interesting personal emails inspired by this blog. I will answer you soon once I can gather myself some computer time. Don't forget that I am still on dial-up and everything takes twice as long. It is gratifying to be able to connect to so many people who are on my wave length.
It's a busy time of year. There are gifts to be organized, a house to be cleaned, recitals or parties to give and attend, in addition to what one does on a regular basis. I remember that I'm lucky to be this kind of busy (as opposed to so many other kinds). It is a blessing to be able to give gifts, to bake cookies.
I enjoy your posts ever so much. Thanks for the reminder of all the wonderful blessings in this world, children, gift giving, art, music and baking cookies - very much so. Have a wonderful holiday season :)
I'll add my voice to the chorus--I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing the work that you do. It's very inspiring. I'm not sure if I have ever commented here, but I drop by almost daily to see what you'll share. Joyeux Noël!
you are part of my JOY for this year. thank you for your kind gifts of cloth and insight. it is time to celebrate family and friends and all we can become. enjoy and warm wishes....
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