More clearly than words, my visual art communicates the things I love and am concerned about, our environment and our children. The stitches in the work are made by hand one at a time. These marks invite the viewer to slow down and consider these issues as well.
Judy your work is excellent ... I dont usually see this caliber in canada .. but its more european ... keep up the excellent work I am keeping my eye on your LOL
Thanks for that compliment Sandy. I hadn't thought about my work in that way before.
stitching on paper like this must be somewhat startling in its rhythm. the sound of the needle going through paper. a reminder of one stitch at a time.
Beautiful, Judy. Thanks for this.
Judy, stunning in its simplicity
This piece is larger than standard size watercolour paper (22 x 30" ) and is more like 22 x 40". It's awkward, I have to do it at a large flat surface and not in my lap as I prefer, I have to make holes with an awl which seems almost violent. However - I love the stitched mark. It's so slow and reads that way.
Never stitched on paper. What is the best way to start? Can you tell a little bit more about this process? It looks very interesting.
We have something here like a shellac but its acrylic wax (sold by art van go) in england and if you put this on your paper before you sew it have a wonderful sheen .. not a high gloss like shellac umm check this page on my blog and you can see what the results look like. Mind you I am not sure I have sewn on it but its possible.If you go to my blog and then up in the search blog field type paper .. all the posts with paper in it will come up check some of the posts for acrylic wax .. might do the trick.
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