Wednesday, November 19, 2008

women's art

"Women's art from the past has been excluded from the main stream - why? The culture of women will remain unrecognized until women themselves regard their own past with fresh insight. The answer does not lie in the mainstream at all, but in sharing women's information with women."
Miriam Schapiro 1978

Coddling a cold, I was able to do a lot of internet research for my university course today. It was rewarding to come across these intelligent art blogs.
daily serving: contemporary art
modern and contemporary art
view on Canadian art
art intelligence


Cyndi in BC said...

Hi Judy, your post today reminded me of another posting I saw today.

It's from my Art Knowledge News subscription.

Hope you feel better soon. I have a cold too, so probably spent too much time dawdling around the internet today. :)

Judy Martin said...

Cyndi, I went to the tinyurl link and was so interested to see the top image. Thanks for that.