Well, I continue to be amazed by the power of the internet to connect people all over the world. I've spent a good portion of my computer time today and yesterday uploading some of my work into the
yourgallery part of the most wonderful online Saatchi Gallery. Part of what took so long was all of the things and artists that one can view and read about on that amazing space itself. I've put a link to the
Saatchi gallery in my side bar.
THANKS, pal. There goes my morning but I've jumped into the fray as well.
What a terrific interview with CS. My kinda guy.
Yes, Charles Saatchi is incredible.
Thanks for the site info. really great. I must say that I love your quilts. Emily Carr is one of my most favorite artists and so few people seem to know of her. I like your take on her paintings. Especially wonderful that you are also a Canadian as was she.
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