Wednesday, January 29, 2014

a reverence for nature and time

We've had more snow and more cold temperatures this winter than any other since I was a child.  To mark this, I took my new woolen piece outside to photograph.  With the snow blanket.
I had just re-read this book .
I learned that in Japan, red and white cloth is used to denote a village festival or other kind of celebration. 
That the Japanese aesthetic is sensitive to nature.
That there is a reverence for those moments briefly glimpsed.
The passage of time is important  in the Japanese aesthetic and there is a kind of beauty in the accumulation of time.  
A reverence.


Mo Crow said...

beautiful work Judy is this a combination of weaving and embroidery? I think you would love reading "The Garden of Evening Mists" by Tan Twan Eng

Judy Martin said...

Mo, the long piece is woven - but not by me.

It is a vintage wool blanket that I have re-constructed and then mended and embroidered.

Thank you for the book suggestion - I'll look into it.

susan hemann said...

Nature is key to my existence, it is hard to explain. I feel whole when I'm outside. Your work is stunning.It is fitting that your piece should be outside, to soak up the living.

Judy Martin said...

The little bundle in the bottom photo is pussy willow branches from the spring of 2012, wrapped in a linen and lace table doily, then stitched into with wool, bound up with leather.

To me, it's about nurturing.

Thank you Susan.

jeanne hewell-chambers said...

there is a beauty that comes with being repeatedly rubbed by life. holes come, are lovingly mended, and you go on to lay atop the snow-covered woodpile. i love how you treat your pieces with reverence but not like they're just too precious for words, taking them out into the world, plopping them down in nature . . . where they're so obviously right at home. and i wish i had something really short and spot-on to say, but well, this one has me all tang-tongueled.