According to Jung, the human psyche holds an ancient collective memory, where universal experience is symbolized. Archetypal symbols are so familiar we respond to them both intuitively and rationally. These universal symbols are common to many world religions. They are archetypes.
This circle began from the outside edge.
It was a moon that became a sun.
This is beautiful! It appears to me to be growing from the center like a ripple, a galaxy. It looks like an aerial image - an island in the colors of a topographical map - an island that is growing...
intoxicating this one---a spiral of hot cell
I really like its sculptural quality.
this circle is exquisite... and am fascinated by the thought that it was a moon that became a sun...lovely
when i first looked i thought you were doing quill work!
I am so glad that I found your blog! Thank you for being so open and honest. I learn a great deal from your work.
Gorgeous...a circle that is also a spiral, another ancient symbol, and I love spirals!
this is so beautiful. simple and yet not. you do beautiful work.
I am liking the simple technique of couching torn fabric into felted wool. Thanks very much for all comments, I really appreciate them.
Though it started with an inward spiral it radiates out with a burst and is absolutely brilliant...
Would love to know names of other women artist you know of who have used this symbolism, as a starting point:)
a spiral is such a strong symbol. love the moon that became a sun.
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