
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Otomi Embroidery

Joyous place mats made for tourists in the traditional Otomi style of embroidery, these seen in the airport on our way home from Mexico.  All different.


  1. Hi Judy- Love these...symmetry ...but not quite! I own some that are much more colorful but love how graphic these are in the single colors. I've yet to decipher the stitch exactly. But inspiring!

  2. Wow! Stunning. Thanks. Great inspiration for appliqué.

  3. Tell me you brought some home.

  4. Just one, Jeanne. And another last year, purchased at the airport.

    I looked for this type of embroidery in better shops and found two or three bed sized. One multi coloured and white, the other a lime green and white.

    I love them.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx