
Monday, January 28, 2013

What makes a perfect day for you?

For me, if I can do these three things.  Read some fiction, walk outside, and do some hand work, I consider my day to be perfect.

Thirteen years ago, I used this willow leaf shape to symbolize perfect days in the stitched journal I was making then..

I'm back with Dad  today.  Brought my book this time.


  1. a perfect day for me is:
    coffee and quiet
    the dream
    a walk, some yoga
    creating a "plan"
    for the day
    light candles at dusk
    dinner with family...
    studio retreat,

    xox - eb.

  2. Anonymous12:49 am

    it's quiet working with fiber, reading and a good meal for me. Jane Urquart stirs fond memories of traveling in France while reading "Away" years ago.

  3. Yes, for me too! And a bit of blogging hoping...

  4. Each day I set myself a few small goals. Do some housework; some handwork; eat healthily (and I should put take a walk outside in with these goals).
    If I accomplish these things...I am happy.

    Lovely to hear what makes your day perfect.

    Jacky xox

  5. hmmmm - catching up on my fav tv show, studio time that is productive a nice lunch out with a good friend - notice that a perfect day does not include family - we spend entirely too much time together as it is - LOL!

  6. May you have many perfect days ahead. I love going for a walk (especially if the weather is nice) and if I can finish something that day, it's almost perfect.
    Thank you for making your page white - it's easier to read.

  7. Rain or shine, I like peace and quiet, time to feel myself and my work, some creative work accomplished and some chocolate too.

  8. A nice cup of tea, a hot shower (I have a unreliable on-demand hot water heater, so when it works I feel blessed), a walk or two with Gracie, a few hours of stitching, a crossword puzzle, and some interesting reading. Simple pleasures!

  9. When I was at my father's last week, I felt so unsettled. Things get quite sad you know.

    So this time, I remembered my three things for a perfect day. I do walk here in Kingston - love to walk downtown and window shop, go to my favourite independent book store, Novel Idea. I was able to stitch - in fact it was a nourishing release for me to do that obsessive motion. Still sad though.

    I thought, maybe if I brought my book of Canadian short stories, and do my daily reading. Then I would feel whole.
    So I'm trying that. And it is better.

    But not perfect.

  10. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Hi Judy
    The three things for a perfect day for me: Cook healthy food to my family, do simple exercise or walk then stitching


  11. a dear friend of mine suggests this in times of feeling sadness .... be it's companion, sit with it, feel it fully, write about it , draw it , stitch it. let it be known and present...and this may help it pass.
    as to the question about a perfect day ... blue sky , a drive in the countryside, good coffee in the morning, quiet but for the sound of the birds, and the feeling of having achieved something in my day.

  12. Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside
    you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing.
    you must wake up with sorrow.
    you must speak to it till your voice
    catches the thread of all sorrows
    and you see the size of the cloth.
    Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore.

    so says Naomi Shihab Nye

  13. I think everyday requires a new set of "perfects" depending on what's thrown our way. Days are like personalities. Yesterday my day was made much more perfect by hearing someone I love laugh after a really hard week.

    Sometimes a deep releasing cry can be as good as champagne and chocolate, too. We get to honor our love that way sometimes.

    Blessings to you Judy.

  14. I have two kinds of 'perfect days': at home or outside, depending on my mood.
    At home: my three loves (man & kitties), a good film, stitching
    Outside: my love, long time walk window shopping, nice meal


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx