
Thursday, January 31, 2013

in the hands of the day

We drove south on Sunday to see Dad.
 Then back north on Wednesday and Thursday.
 I was back in Little Current by 10 am for the Manitoulin Circle Project.
Ned dropped me at the church hall.
It was a good day.


  1. i thought about your little circle/flowers the other day...there is a hole in a cloth, very tiny, that might wear those stitches well. only one, though

  2. Your cloth and the winter light are the same...

  3. I love how the work parallels the landscape.

  4. i'm glad you're being kind to you, too. xo

  5. The pictures of the empty chairs refer to the Thursday community stitching I lead each week.

    I was there alone all morning, and then 8 people came in and out and talked and stitched and left, and I realized I had not taken any photos of them. Heather and Stella both took a turn at the eyelets while the rest started something new. Something new for the exhibition that has been planned.

    That eyelet embroidery needs to be completed before I can put it into the top for the last of the 4 meditation panels we are making.

    I apologize for showing it nearly every post, I nearly stitch it in my sleep it is with me all the time.

  6. what a meditation and what dedication. judy, i am so in awe of this project. all of it. i hope to see it installed someday.

  7. I love being part of your travels... and your cloths. Lovely to see the eyelets growing (what a mammoth task you have undertaken).

    Jacky xox

  8. The movement from the stunning outer landscape--its Spirit

    into the church, the cloth as landscape...with spirit; the absence of "others" in each and all images,

    yet the title, "in the hands of the day" implies so many kinds of hands, of makers, of Spirit(s)(absent and yet so very present).

    I can barely say...


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx