
Friday, July 20, 2012

precious water

Hand quilting progresses on the third panel of the Manitoulin Circle project, Precious Water.
There has been good turn out on these July Thursdays, as the summer residents are here.  

All Welcome.
Every Thursday, Little Current United Church Hall - 10 am - 6 pm.

And thanks to Margaret who reminded me about the Crystal Quilt by Suzanne Lacy, now on view at Tate Modern.  I read about this twenty five years ago and it rocked me then - rocks me still.  Watch an excerpt  here.
photo of moi by Nancy Ferguson


  1. You know if I lived close by I would definitely come and sew with you. I need to see you "in action". For some reason I have such difficulty hand quilting! What's with that??

  2. I absolutely love the piece being worked on ( I seldom say that)

  3. the piccies of the quilt are inspiring and lovely - but the pics of the community of quilters are even better!

  4. These quilts are performance pieces, too. Beautiful.

  5. I think if we all sat in circle like this, our world would be better for it. Beautiful quilt...beautiful community.

  6. I didn't know the Crystal Quilt Performance, I watched the video and was quite moved. In the last years I have been wondering why we never speak about getting older and what it means. The current culture doesn't allow us to get old which is a natural phase of life, and I would say that we are lucky if we live enough to enjoy this phase.
    Your quilt is superb, I wish I could join the stitching.

  7. That excerpt was wonderful Judy. Such wise words. The realisation of that loss in society some are disregarded, ignored. Such a huge loss if we let that happen.
    And Suzannes comment 'co-operation rather than competition' ... so much to think about there in so many aspects of our life.
    And again more photos of Manitoulin Project. Love the precious water, the many hands stitching. the fabric and thread connecting so many people.

    Jacky xox

  8. What a privilege it would be to work on these every Thursday.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx