
Friday, March 09, 2012

Quilt National

Cross My Heart, 2010 silk fabric, silk threads, hand stitch (detail)

Quilt National 11 is touring in the U.S.A. presently, (schedule here) and last week it opened in San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles and will be there until the end of April.

I haven't been keeping track of the tour and so was pleased when Darra Williamson contacted me yesterday to tell me about the review she has put on the See How We Sew blog. Thank you Darra for including my piece in your review along with quilts by Katie Pasquini Masopust, Bonnie J Smith, Fenella Davis, and Patty Hawkins.

There are two videos produced by Mel Van Dusen about the San Jose part of the QN tour, both nearly 30 minutes each. part 1 and part 2 (Bonnie J Smith's moving talk about getting her acceptance emails in the part 2 video, brought a tear to my eye.)

It's still exciting for me to think that I am in this show.


  1. how grand...this piece and all your beautiful stitches have been eye candy for a while for me and so pleased it's getting a showing. i'll go back and check out the links.

  2. It must be a wonderful thrill! This is a beautifully textured piece.

  3. Congratulations, Judy! What an honour. And well-deserved...such beautiful stitching!

  4. I'm thrilled for you too--but it's where you ought to be with the work you produce. May it bring you increase of joy and recognition!

  5. You have to be proud of yourself. Thanks for the links. I'll watch them.

  6. yes! congratulations! beautiful colours and stitching! I am happy for you

  7. congratulations, Judy, how wonderful... enjoy...

  8. OMG, this is absolutely to die for. You are such an interesting fabric artist. Wish you lived closer to stop by for some hands on tutorials from you.

    By the way, I hadn't seen the name Fenella since my London days.

    Just finished Patti Smith's book. Hope your ordered it at the Library. IT'S SO WORTH reading. And, last night watched a documentary on William S. Burroughs. Cried with his last journal entry: What is Love? Most Natural Pain Killer, that's what it is".

    Keep up the fabulous work and hopefully the show will come this way. Off to check schedule.

  9. Anonymous4:54 pm

    I'm going to this one
    3/8/13 - 6/30/13: Abingdon, VA--[Collection A]
    William King Museum
    Abingdon, Virginia

    I hope I will get to see your quilt. Congrats again. It is truly well deserved.

  10. Learned a lot from your video links. From war to cardboard in quilts. Congratulations! It seems far off but the Virginia shows are both close to friends, might be a good trip.

  11. Ahhhh this is such a beauty !!!

  12. Just seeing this brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations!

  13. Hi Judy,
    I recently visited the Bay area and got to see your quilt in person. I was doing the happy dance while looking at every stitch on your quilt. It is gorgeous. So lucky to have been able to see it at the museum.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx