
Saturday, March 10, 2012

my photo journal

At the degree exhibition this June, my fellow graduates and I will be examined orally about our work. We will have to answer questions about the conceptual ideas that underlie our work. We will have to show how we arrived at this place. To prepare for this defense, I have tried to summarize my journey with photos and one liners. Because I keep sketchbooks, journals and this blog, I have the material. I just need to simplify it. Make it clear. It's obsessive, this journal keeping.


  1. Anonymous9:19 pm

    i keep journals and have since i was 13. doodles, pages from magazines. i love them and i'm always happy when you share yours.

    you'll do fabulously. follow your heart.

  2. you are so disciplined. such an example to one who is usually all over the map.

  3. thank you for this peek into your journal Judy, interesting!

  4. Cream rises to the surface without fail!

  5. love seeing these insightful and inspiring glimpses of your journals, thanks you very much.

  6. I've always wanted to keep a journal of my work...never quite been able to do it though. Yours is its own work of art. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. journals are such a wonderful way to see and remember who you were and what you wanted to do...

  8. I dont think you will have any trouble Judy, you are so honest and passionate in your will all just flow and speak for itself.
    The journal glimpses are wonderful...I love journalling.

    Jacky xox

  9. i go from obsessive journaling to obsessive NON-journaling. i like how you're using your photos in the journals.

  10. Your journal inspires me and reminds me that I am not alone in the creative process. Thank you for sharing your journey via your blog. Motivated by one of your old blog posts, I decided to thoroughly review each one of my old sketchbooks this year. Thank you Judy.

  11. Thanks for sharing, Judy! Your work is so fantastic I am sure you will fly through it. I tried to watch the videos yesterday but had to give up in frustration; I could see your quilt there but it was either throw the computer at the wall or stop. I will go back and try again later. Journals are wonderful things, my only regret is not starting earlier in my life.

  12. My quilt was not highlighted in either of the videos. I understand the frustration. I had it too.

    The first video does eventually get to the QN exhibit, and the curator is quite interesting in her talk. She speaks about 6-9 quilts.

    IN the 2nd video they go into other galleries. A red gallery and a purple gallery.

    This comment should really be in the previous post, but I am responding to Robyn. Don't watch the videos. Do your work. x

  13. What an interesting exam you will pass...! (I'm sure about that).
    What wonders me about your blog, apart from the works themselves, is the way you reflect about your process. I admire you very much because of this. I don't do it as much as I should, because I feel frightened about my own thoughts lately...

  14. Love your photo journal, mine would be my blog, so let's hope google is not going to eat it up at the end - hugs Nat


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx