
Thursday, February 25, 2016

quilted all day

 I am nearly finished Aili's quilt and spent most of today working on it.
It's out of the hoop, bound with bias.  I am finishing the quilting at the edges and the corners.
 We were driving north as I stitched.
I like to pull the stitches snugly in this piece.  I want the cotton fabric to have the texture of time.
I stop often to admire the square red dots and their pale log-shaped surrounds.
 We started with weather, but as we got closer to home, Ned had to put on his sun glasses.
 Dad is back in hospital.  I notice that there is a new leather sofa for visitors.
I notice that my stitching has distorted the corners.  I can fix that.


  1. I just love this quilt, the colors and the texture is stunning. I am truly sorry your dad is back in the hospital. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  2. I always especially enjoy seeing this lovely quilt. May your father will quickly recover and all be well.

  3. "The texture of time" - yes, yes. And the distorted corners? Time does that.

  4. PS: How could I forget to mention your dad? Gah. Sending streams of caring. xo

  5. What care in every stitch. It's just beautiful. So to the stretches of pine along the way, and thoughts of your father....wishing him well.

  6. Sorry about your Dad, the quilt is beautiful, wish I could stitch in the car but it makes me ill, apart from which I am usually driving.

  7. Sending your father best wishes. Your quilt is beautiful.

  8. love seeing this quilt in motion through the windscreen

  9. Sorry of the news of your father, back in hospital. To paraphrase Dame Julian, "[May] all things be well..." The quilt is lovely; softened already with all the love in it. Hugs!

  10. beautiful..inspiring.

  11. I love this quilt. Love the pictures of nature in this post. Love your red nail polish!!!

  12. Absolutely beautiful. Every stitch filled with love, obviously.

  13. So sorry to hear about your father! The quilt is beautiful. It looks aged and fresh simultaneously- weighty and light with love...

  14. My dad has rallied again!
    He has a system of steel.

    Thank you for your good wishes. xo

  15. So happy to hear your dad has come around. Thoughts and prayers to wonders to be sure.

    I absolutely love your stunning quilt. Can you tell me, how skinny are your logs. They look to be 1" finished. The red centre blocks are striking against the soft colours.

  16. love everything about this post...

  17. Bonnie, the logs are only half an inch when they are stitched.

    One inch when cut - 1/2 inch when sewn together.

    Really skinny.
    Each log cabin block measures five and a half inches finished.

    It's done now. I blocked it February 29.

  18. I have been admiring the delicacy of this quilt every time you have shown it. Such a great paradox between the fineness of the scale and coloration and the rough and tumble heritage of the log cabin pattern. Seeing it moving through a winter landscape adds another layer of symbolism...warmth, protection, the hearth, family, love. I'm glad your dad is better.

  19. That's definitely skinny Judy! Such patience. And all hand stitched I think too? You have set a high bar for me. It's on my bucket list.

  20. This is a beautiful quilt. Probably so very nice to touch it.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx