
Thursday, December 03, 2015


 Isn't it funny how every second, every minute,
 every day, month, year is accounted for, capable of being named...
when time, or life, is so unwieldy,
so intangible and slippery?
How hopeful, the concept of 'telling time'
How beautifully futile
How perfectly human.

Text in this post is by Miriam Toews,  All My Puny Sorrows
Images are of the quilt I'm making for our baby grand daughter.


  1. The poem perfectly encapsulates the experience of taking stitch after stitch on a quilt for a baby whose whole life is ahead and unknown. We try to catch time...your beautiful quilt is like a net thrown over the stars...but it is always elusive and heartbreaking.

  2. such a poignant tender work Judy and Dana has the most wonderful way with words

  3. Lovely poem and beautiful quilt! The baby is a lucky one. Surely she'll treasure this.

  4. Dana, thank you for your comment "your beautiful quilt is like a net thrown over the stars" inspiring for a new quilt that includes pieced stars.

    Also about trying to catch time - impossible, but hand stitching does come close.

    I am reading the novel All My Puny Sorrows - and it is opening my heart and mind just the right amount.


    Yes, I hope that Aili will love and use this quilt for the rest of her life.

  5. Lovely. Perhaps Aili will be creating similar pieces pretty darned soon!

  6. Making a baby quilt is one of the most life affirming and hopeful things that one can do. It shows belief in a future. x

  7. the stunning yet soft precision and simplicity of this one is just the best example to me of the care that is so much a main component in your work. and such a nice element to the concept of blanket.

  8. Stitching and believing in the future...

  9. I see you are on holiday. Nice. Enjoy the ocean.

  10. I am so lazy on holidays. You get so much done, each and everyday.
    The quilt is just beautiful.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx