
Saturday, June 13, 2015


I have been painting these circular lines with thread for months.
I told myself that I have a dead-line - that I need to focus.
But the truth is that I need to finish something.
I need to complete something that is evidence of my daily labour, evidence of my devotion and evidence of my contemplation.
Circles may be endless, but I am not.
I work to make the fragile marks less like lines and more like brush strokes.  I want this sky to be a summer sky - even better, a sky in early spring.
Fresh, nearly aqua,
not turbulent or stifling
nor too pretty.
I want these concentric circles to open outwards into a bright future and I want to communicate this positive feeling about the future to others.
Yes, sometimes, a murder of crows flies across the bright calmness of the sky.  It actually happens quite often.

A sudden burst of darkness, it just happens.
But it's fleeting.
The circle is what is eternal,
rotating like a wheel,
on and on,
calm and blue,
mark after mark,
line after line.


  1. love the flight of the dark birds

  2. 'For-ever-ness', oh that's a keeper.

    looking wonderful, i sense the calming.

  3. Mmmmmm all these "for-ever-ness" stitches in the first picture ....
    (I can almost féél them ..... and héár the birds rushing by)

    I can imagine you enjoyed the Textile Biennale : I loved every minute
    we were there. There were fun things, weird things, wild ones .... and
    some were so gorgeously made it took our breath away !

  4. I am sensing many of the same feelings these days, Judy,
    but don't [or can't] speak of them much ....
    lovely to have a peek at how you are manifesting yours.

  5. Finishing is such a wonderful feeling . . . contentment and jubilation all at once. The sky is perfect for early spring . . . still cold but full of promise.

  6. I see the circles more as spirals. Down and up. Up and back down. Not negative, just natural. Inevitable. Same for the darker threads - Natural. Real.

  7. I see birds and I light up. ;) I love this so much. Nothing like waking up to a huge, dark cloud of irritated crows flying overhead for 3 minutes because an owl drove them away. I love it.
    I see the circles as spirals, too! Spirals go on for eternity. The sands of time freeze in the middle, I think. Maybe even come out on the other side to start over, infinitely. I understand the feeling of wanting to finish something. It brings heart- peace.

  8. It is a spiral. I called it circles, but it is a huge spiral. Thanks for seeing that.

  9. This is an amazing piece. I love spirls.

  10. Anonymous9:06 am

    haven't visited in sooo long -- this is stunning. we need a message of hope -- circles opening out to a wider world of peace, etc.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx