
Sunday, November 04, 2012


Study in Interlacement (detail) Lizz Aston, kozo paper, fibre reactive dye, hand cut
Studies in Interlacement, xlem and phloem, by Lizz Aston.

Currently showing at the Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre as part of World of Threads Festival in Oakville Ontario, this is the largest and most colourful piece that I have yet seen by this Toronto maker.
joining - cutting
surface - shadow
holes as marks
Ocean, Sayward Johnson, copper wire, patina, weaving
conceptual - three dimensional
rigid - pliable

The exhibit is named De Rerum Natura (On The Nature of Things) and was curated by Gareth Bate who describes the exhibit as "a highly eccentric show that evokes the collection of a mad 18th century naturalist".
Blue Heart, Marjolein Dallinga, merino wool, wet felted

That cabinet of curiosity idea is very apt.  When I entered the exhibit, it did remind me of visits to European museums that hold Victorian era collections.
Broken Heart, Marjolein Dallinga, Merino wool, wet felted
simple - complex
tender - violent
inner - surface
Smartweed (detail), Liz Menard, etching, chine colle, french knots
youth - age
colour - greyness
human touch-machine pressed
Forest Floor, Lotta Helleberg, leaf prints on plant dyed vintage linen

Lotta's ordering of the messiness of nature reminds one of how we collect.

human - nature
order - nature
process - object
art - life


  1. fascinating!
    so many people looking, gathering, making sense; thanks for this post Judy

  2. Thank you for posting these photos since we cannot see them for ourselves. I really did think that the first photo was of a butterfly wing.

  3. Judy, so nice to meet you in front of your fabulous spiral! I'm the one that told you that I'm friends with Penny B. My blog is You may even have already come to visit once or twice. I stitch, but right now much smaller pieces, with the addition of beads. LOL! The exhibits I experienced yesterday are pulling me back to my cloth and needle roots. I wish I had time to do both!!!

  4. BTW, you photographed two of my favourite pieces at Sybil's place. All very interesting, but the Kozo one was absolutely facinating!

  5. living atop a mountain in a very remote area, i drink in posts like these, so thank you. the simplicity centers and calms, the implementation or application, the creativity of conveyance and expression, that stretches and opens.

  6. said another way (since i don't know how to delete my previous comment), my response to this post and this art is:

    calmed - excited
    centered - opened
    simple - complex
    minimal - elaborate
    human - nature (with and without the dash)

  7. What great highlights and reflections from the show! Thank you for including my piece.

  8. thanks for the "tour" !
    (mmmmm : did a workshop with Marjolein Dallinga last year, fascinating !!!)


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx