
Tuesday, October 02, 2012

western Ireland

 We have been visiting family in the west of Ireland.
 We were here before in 1975.  We travelled on bicycles then and camped.  
 Now we have a rented car, and I take photos out the window
 or read aloud to Ned from the Michelin green guide.


  1. More! Ah such a pleasure--my mother visited relatives there too in the late seventies--and she sent me a photo of those wild cliffs...but the stone circle...oh my that does ring true--and the celtic cross held high with a bird crossing that gray sky. Just lovely, lovely.

  2. Oh! Have a wonderful time! John and I biked thru Ireland...nearly 20 years ago now...for 2 weeks. It was such a treat and so lovely. I'd love to hear where all you've been. The Cliffs of Moher... Enjoy!

  3. Okay, that does it. Ireland has just moved to the top of The List of Places We've Gotta' Go.

  4. Beautiful photos, land, words...The then and now of it, from bikes/camping to car and camera shots of quick moving countryside...the history of a couple and a family.
    This was very nice.

  5. Great photos! Glad you are having a good time. Can't wait to see you in Manchester :)

  6. Such a great span of Life & Love since the first trip. Very Beautiful.

  7. lots of inspiration there...


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx