
Sunday, October 07, 2012

heavy clouds high lands

 inundated with new visions
 stupefied by wonder
Northern Ireland and the highlands of Scotland
 ....huge beauty... isolation

 shapes and colours that are familiar
others that are much grander,  stranger
I feel stretched and blessed.


  1. Stunning.

    Days one slips past self and entangles "dream"

    Thank you

  2. It's wonderful seeing your photos of Ireland, such a beautiful country, enjoy!

  3. Oh, those highlands of Scotland.... they call to the soul don't they.

  4. Coming from the land of wide sky and opulent clouds, I have NEVER seen anything like this. Your photos are amazing....thank you so much for sharing your journey! I have always been drawn to visit that place......they DO call to the Soul.......

  5. you are, indeed. so beautiful--these are places i want to visit someday.

  6. So lovely. We drove through clouds on our way home yesterday, and I took loads of photos thinking I'd share them on my blog. Didn't get around to it, but dreamed about them all night long, along with words from/about my paternal grandmother. Love the windows, too.

  7. These photographs really LOOK the way the air FEELS... you have let us be in that space. Thank you!

  8. A magical space. Pregnant with chill and mystery. I loved that coast when I visited and these photos remind me of those cliffs where one often imagines strange rituals and windy spirits.

  9. The valley must be Glencoe, looks familiar to me.

  10. We did visit Glencoe. The highlands of Scotland are extremely gorgeous to me. We also went to Newtonmore and the Cairngorms.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx