
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jennifer's book of tea

 Sometimes all you need is something tangible.
 I woke up so early again, thinking about all the things I have to do over the next few weeks.   And there was Jennifer's book on my studio table. 
It had arrived last week, but I was too busy to say  anything.  Not even an email to her letting her know it had safely arrived.  Jennifer, thank you.  It is beautiful.  It is heart full. 
She also sent me a hand stitched card.
I am touched by her touching and by her time spent.

" our artifacts tell more about ourselves than our confessions"  Joseph Brodsky

Be safe today, my friends.


  1. a book of tea, what a splendid idea, it is quite beautifull.

  2. I love this quote.....and thank you for introducing us to her too.......what a wonderful body of work and process to browse through....

  3. ah ah! so you are Lucky, too!

    lovely work.
    and such a quote.
    beautiful productive day to you.

  4. Thank you Judy for such a lovely post! I'm happy my book of tea safely found its way to your house. It makes me smile to think of a piece of my art rubbing elbows with your to speak. Truly, it is an honor.

    I hope your day was wonderful. Enjoy! Jennifer

  5. Beautiful artwork. Insightful quote. Thank you for sharing this, it made my day.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx