
Thursday, May 10, 2012

NYC journal: Isa Melsheimer and Alice Channer

Vorhang (Ewle) 2012 by Isa Melsheimer. We attended Freize New York and it was very exciting to see so much fine art made with cloth and stitch. This piece by Isa Melsheimer from Germany was almost the first thing I saw at the fair. It reminded me of my own new work with large single layers of fabric and that was so affirmative.
(detail of the embroidery) Online research on this artist shows that she works in a wide variety of media, but large pieces of stitched cloth are very important in her fine art practice. I've selected just a couple of the many installations on her website to share here.
Tiefes Rauschen 2007 by Isa Melsheimer
Vorhang 2008 by Isa Melsheimer. Click here to see more. To see the cloth installations, scroll down until you come to a block of text and then click on FABRIC .
(detail of embroidery)
We were both interested in the work of Alice Channer. These pieces are made from digitally printed spandex fabric stretched over aluminium.
EYES 2012, by Alice Channer.
I became more interested in this young British artist's work when I visited her gallery's website and saw how important large pieces of cloth that drape onto the floor are to her practice. These images are from the installation Out Of Body that showed at South London gallery in 2012.
Cold Metal Body , digital print on heavy crepe de chine with hand carved marble.


  1. interesting and you daughter.
    Meanwhile a little mending in hotelrooms?

  2. Our trip is over. I am visiting my father now in Kingston - and in the downtimes here, I am able to blog about New York.

    These two artists were brand new for me, so when I looked them up online, I found out that although young, they are both already well exhibited and quite respected in the fine art world.

    Always learning.

  3. Alice Channer's show here in London was intriguing, to say the least. The gallery is next door to the college I attend, and has a good coffee shop (!), so I went several times. A vitrine in the corridor was filled with "interesting bits" that helped with viewing the works in the large gallery.

  4. enjoying the Alice Channer link very much.

    thank you


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx