
Saturday, February 13, 2010

do what you love

I stitched this backing to my felted embroidery this morning and now I'm dyeing this stitch resisted fabric in indigo. Earlier, I pasted titles/mantras on my current journals.

work harder, get better

show only your best work

never give up

do what you love


  1. you are so very productive! I love the red fabric and cannot wait to see the stitch resist when finished.

  2. Anonymous5:28 pm

    ahhhh yesss, "do what you love" and love what you do : ) beautiful red fabric, will you show your felted front piece sooon? hope so : ) you're having too much fun with your indigo dye!!!!
    Blessings, Sandra in AZ

  3. Inspirational fabrics. I cant wait to see that stitched piece once it is dyed either.
    Your mantra's are wonderful on your journal covers, little subtle reminders everywhere.


  4. these pictures are very, very seductive. hints. gotta see more!

  5. Very nice post, love your titles-mantras.

  6. I love that first dyed fabric, I'm looking forward to seeing how the indigo dyed and stitched fabric turned out.

    Well done Jenny

  7. I've had to do lots of stuff in my life that I didn't love doing, so now that I can do what I love, I will! And THAT means making quilts and dyeing fabric!

    LOVE that red fabric, by the way...


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx