
Monday, February 01, 2010

Creative Painting

Marc Chagall

Double Portrait with a Glass of Wine" 1917, oil on canvas. The artist was 30 years old when he painted this. His paintings are usually dream scapes or childhood narratives, every day worlds full of the wonderful and miraculous. Chagall is famous for his use of colour and his central theme of LOVE.

Naata Nungurrayi

Untitled 2002, acrylic on canvas. The artist was 70 years old when she painted this. Born 1932, she has led a traditional nomadic bush life and now paints instinctively, using line, colour, and form in an immediate and breath taking way.

I'm prepping to teach painting tomorrow and am trying not to fall back on my own familiar ways. It's so difficult to push myself over into the unknown.


  1. I find Chagall so inspiring...I hope the class goes well!

  2. Thanks Jeana Marie. I am tired.

  3. what an amazing chagall!

  4. the bottom painting is so textile.

  5. I love these artists and am inspired by them so much. I'm writing this on the day of the class and it went well I think.

  6. mom. you're so busy! that is so funny that you posted that chagall painting, because i needed some inspiration for my silkscreening course and i immediately turned to the chagall book you gave me for my 18th birthday! do you remember that? i didn't, until i saw your birthday message in the cover. i love how you do that, makes me remember my interests that year. haha. love you.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx