
Friday, December 11, 2009

one piece of baloney at a time

Work continues on the meditation panels that I am making with the Manitoulin community. I enjoy spending my Thursdays working on this project in the church hall. I enjoy the large work space and I enjoy visiting with the variety of women. Right now we are working on "Twig Cross". Today I brought the 90" square drawing into the studio and pinned it up to see what we've accomplished so far. I'm planning to do some work on it there.
My father's mantra, 'one piece of baloney at a time',comes to mind.


  1. i like working atop drawing, but the scale of this is outrageous! i don't even have room for anything so big.

  2. It is huge! you are right.
    The thing that I am anxious about is that the large piece continues to reflect my original design, which was done on 25"square paper with ink and acrylic paint. So far I am pleased with it.

  3. Somehow I hadn't realized how huge this is! Working on your design and including the community you live in to stitch along is so fantastic. It must be very rewarding.

  4. Reading this Mantra on the 18th of July I laughed out loud.
    I'm going to use his mantra somehow I know.


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx