
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Hogmanay Blessing

The blessing of God upon this house
The blessing of Jesus upon this house
The blessing of the Spirit upon this house
The blessing of Brighid upo this house
The blessing of Michael upon this house
The blessing of Mary upon this house
The blessing of Columba upon this house
On man and woman
on spouse and child
on old and young
on maiden and youth
with plenty of food and plenty of drink
with plenty of beds and plenty of ale
with many riches and much cheer
with many kin and length of life

ever upon it.

Traditional Celtic blessing for the new year.


  1. Many blessing to you in the new year, Judy!

  2. Heres wishing you a wonderful 2010Judy, to you and your family. May the wind be always at your back

  3. Wishing you that wonderful blessing too Judy. Happy New Year.

  4. all the best in the coming year....


Thank you for taking the time to connect. Much appreciated.xx